Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Love, Lovely

It's the classic romance that everyone knows about and for some of us (like myself) love. Shakespeare is one the most well-known authors of the world. The story of Romeo and Juliet is a lovely twist of romance. As a hopeless romantic myself, it is so great to know that one man knows how to treat a girl. Well two if you count Mr. Darcy but that is beside the point. Though Juliet had her ups and downs like any character I still envy her for her witty, charming, and interesting personality. I am always trying to find an interesting read. This is one of my favorites. More books to come! Hope you will read this one. For more information on my love of books keep here at this blog.


Thursday, May 6, 2010


Being in yearbook is the best thing in the world. It is something that takes responsibility and skill to perfect. I love everything about being in yearbook.

10 amazing things about yearbook:

10. You get a press pass
9. You get to leave class and chill around school.
8. You have new friends
7. You're not allowed in the yearbook (it's a plus for me)
6. You eat a lot of food.
5. It's fun
4. You take photos of sports you haven't seen
3. No homework

You get to make a yearbook!
You get your yearbook for FREE!!!

****So if you have yearbook at your school and you like these ten things then join yearbook!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Yes, all we ladies have heard of it. Rape is defined as being forced into unwanted sexual intercourse. Rape, sometimes also called sexual assault, can happen to both men and women of any age. Now, recently in California there have been cases of Rape. The most know are Chelsea King and Amber Dubois. The part that hits me the most is that it could happen to anyone at anytime. It makes me want to cry knowing that my friends or family or anyone for that matter could be feeling this kind of suffering. At my school today, in PE class we got a self-defense class. It was really helpful and I liked it a lot. I don't want anything to hurt anyone and especially this because it is just so wrong.

Don't put yourself in any position for that.
Girls and Young Women Read (For your SAFETY!):

  1. Stay aware. Do not jog with your iPod because attackers are looking for easy, distracted prey. The same can be said for talking on your cell phone. On the other hand, if you feel someone is following you, it can help to pull out your cell phone and pretend to be talking to someone because your "conversation partner" would be aware of an attack. If your potential attacker is going for "no witnesses", they might back off and change their mind. You can even pretend that you are meeting up with someone and they are already here/heading this way VERY soon. Don't say "5 minutes" or the attacker may only decide to take action quicker. If they think you are in safe hands or will be in less than a minute, they might back off.
  2. Learn to trust your gut instincts. It could save you from being raped or worse. If you feel uneasy or unsure in anyway, it is in your best interest to get away and get help. Use common sense.
  3. Understand that your hairstyle could benefit an attacker. Ponytails are the number one style that rapists look for because they are easy to grab and you can be held with them.
  4. Carry defensive items only if you know how to use them. Anything that could hurt a potential attacker can also be used against you if you are not well trained and comfortable with the item. If you are going to carry a handgun, make sure to take classes in its use, practice often at a firing range, and apply for a concealed weapons permit; if you carry a knife, take a course in the most effective way to use it. Remember that even an umbrella or purse can be used as a weapon against an attacker, and has less chance of being turned against you.
  5. Yell, shout and draw attention to yourself. Attackers usually have an idea of how the attack will happen. Disrupt that idea. Fight like hell and yell loudly and strongly; There is a common belief it is better to call "fire" than help - however many believe this is misguided, if not plain wrong. The 'fire idea" is based on the belief that people don't want to get involved in assisting therefore you should trick them into believing there is a fire. This could be unwise. Numerous bystander studies (e.g. Latane and Darley) show the reason bystanders do not help is a simple one; confusion. Bystanders are unsure of what is going on; do the attacker and victim know each other? etc. This would suggest it is better to "tell it like it is" and yell "POLICE!" or "HELP!" This - especially "POLICE"- is more likely to scare the attacker and alert bystanders to the truth of the situation - not confuse them further by yelling "Fire" when there clearly isn't one. Studies have also suggested this effective strategy: pointing at an individual bystander and saying "you sir, in the white shirt, I need your help now! - This man is attacking me..." Tell it like it is, and point to an individual.
  6. Take a basic self defense course, such as Rape Aggression Defense (RAD). Contact your local police office for programs such as RAD.
  7. Stay careful at parties and bars. Don't drink anything that somebody gives you--always open and order your own drinks. Never, ever leave a drink unattended for even a moment. Keep your hand over the top of your drink. Do not accept a drink from a date unless the bartender or waitstaff have delivered it straight to you. Don't want to be rude? Take it to the restroom with you and dump it. DO NOT leave yourself or friends alone and drunk with someone you have a very bad feeling about. Tell other people where you are going. Be aware of public bathrooms in clubs and bars. Women have been attacked in the ladies room if it is deserted.
  8. Think and practice being careful at dance clubs or other places with loud music. Sometimes it is so loud that nobody will be able to hear you cry for help.
  9. Work on being assertive. If somebody is giving you unwanted attention, tell them to back off. There is no need to be polite when somebody is making unwanted sexual advances.
  10. Plan. If a rapist is in your car and is sitting in the passenger seat with a weapon to you, they will tell you to go somewhere where they are less likely to be witnessed. Whatever you do, don't follow their directions. Put on your seat belt, then drive into something stationary, like a dumpster or lamp post. The airbag and seat belt will keep you alive, and the crash will draw attention. It is better to be in a car accident than get raped and possibly killed. Stay calm and try to surprise the rapist.
  11. Understand that Vans are the #1 vehicles used in rapes. Rapists will park next to the driver's side and, as you are trying to get in, they will pull you into the van. If there is a van on the driver's side of your car, go in through the passenger's door. If there are vans on both sides, go back to where you were and get someone like a security guard to walk you to your car. Don't park any place that feels unsafe.
  12. Practice being careful when going into your house or car because someone could easily push you in and lock the door behind you. Be aware of your surroundings; carry your keys ready in your hand and look around you before opening the door.
  13. Keep personal information private. Don't advertise your info verbally or on the Internet. Also, be very wary of meeting up with people that you meet on the Internet. If you must do so, bring a friend and meet in a public place.
  14. Understand vulnerability factors: According to the CDC vulnerabilities include prior sexual abuse as a minor, being female (gender), being under the age of 18, and alcohol or drug use.
  15. Walk with confidence. Look up as you walk and stand up straight; pretending as though you have two big panthers on either side of you as you walk may sound silly, but it can help boost confidence. Attackers are more likely to go for those who they think cannot defend themselves.
  16. Notice and leave identifying marks. A large bite mark on their face, punctured eyeball, deeply scratched leg, ripped out piercing etc. is easily identifiable, as are memorable tattoos, etc. Go for weak spots like eyes (poke hard), nose (hard upward motion with the lower part of your open hand) genitals (grab really tightly and squeeze or punch hard) etc. to make sure the person's hands aren't free to punch or hold on to you and you can run for it. If you are in a place where you can't run, notice your surroundings and leave a mark on them if you can. Rapists have been caught because their victims left identifiable teeth marks, nail marks, or DNA in the cars or rooms where they were assaulted.
  17. Bring a dog, if going to the park, beach, etc. alone. If you have a dog with you, it's like having another person with you. Large dogs are intimidating to predators, even if your pet isn't exactly brave. If you don't have a large dog, bring the small one anyway. Chances are when your little pup sees you in trouble, he'll be more than happy to protest. Predators won't usually attack a person with a dog, large or small, because dogs usually make such a racket you're bound to draw attention, which is undesirable for predators. Who knows - your poodle may just surprise your attacker when he grabs you.
  18. Mentally Prepare if you are taken by a rapist. You must do everything in your power to escape even if it means hurting yourself.. Sometimes the rapist will kill his victims to prevent him from being caught or identified. If the rapist comes in your home, throw heavy items through windows and at the rapist. Make as much noise as you can. Do not get in the car or van with them if you can help it. Jump out of a moving car or crash the car if you are driving. Look for every opportunity to hurt them and escape. Take your extreme fear and turn it into fighting anger at your attacker. Do not be passive unless you feel you have to because a weapon is on you. Never give up without fighting a battle.
  19. 19
    Make eye contact if you are being followed by someone who you think is a potential threat. An attacker may be less likely to strike if they think you will be able to clearly identify them.
  20. 20
    Never get into a potential rapist's car or allow them into yours if you can avoid it. Run, scream, fight or do whatever you can to keep from being forced into that car, because once you are mobile, this increases the likelihood that you will be taken to a remote location where the rapist can take their time. It is preferable to be injured and escape than to be taken to the middle of nowhere and killed.
  21. Learn to SING. This means Solar Plexus-Instep-Nose-Groin, the four attack points you should focus on if grabbed from behind. Elbow them in the solar plexus, stomp on the foot as hard as you can, and when they let go, turn around and jam the palm of your hand into their nose in an upward motion, then finish with a knee to the groin. This may disable your assailant long enough for you to get away. Don't worry about hurting them, because they intend to do something much worse.
Information Provided From http://www.wikihow.com/Prevent-a-Potential-Rape
Be Safe and Careful!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


What seems like old business is still here, the earthquake that occurred in Haiti on January 12, 2010. Now the thing that has left everyone touched in some way is still a problem for the people in that country. Helping them by donating money is something that not everyone can do, especially with the world in more debt than we have since The Great Depression. Really, the fact of the matter is that people have lost loved ones, homes, and security. I think that just thinking about what has happened there and keeping the faith that somehow they will get through is the best thing anyone of us can do.

It may seem like it was years ago.
The reality check: Four months ago.
What are you doing to help them?

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Earth Day!

Today is Earth day. What I wonder is: What are you doing for the environment? Hopefully, you are trying to honor our Earth by doing something today like:
  • Recycling
  • Riding a bus
  • Car pooling
  • Picking up trash.
Whatever it is help the planet be a great place. Do your part to keep the Earth an awesome place to live. Just helping is making a difference in the world. Remember: This world needs our help. Are you helping or are you the one hurting?

So, please do your part for the Earth!


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Gilmore Girls:The Best Show

This show debuted in 2000 as a comedy and drama. For me, at one point this show was my childhood I grew up with it (from the ages of 8 to now) I have watched this show. I have watched every single episode at least three times. What I love most about this show is it teaches you things with clever wit and wisdom for generations to take and us. Although, I don't believe everything that the Gilmore's believe, this show has great writing and humor that can either drive you up the wall or you'll think it is the most funny thing you have ever heard. Though, it ended two years ago after an amazing season finale the show still has fans waiting for a Reunion episode or a movie (like Sex in the City). I am addicted to everything this show is. It taught me many lessons and although it is fiction I do believe the characters are very realistic in my world. Not unlike my favorite books or movies. Some things change us in ways we didn't know were possible.
This show did change me.
I may sound crazy to you
The truth is.............
I love this show!

Watch Gilmore Girls (if you're a girl or guy) it is something you don't want to miss.

Please comment!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


So I'm going to make today's about ways to feel better when you're sick because today I am sick. Hopefully if in the near future you get sick (knock on wood!) this will help you get back better than ever.

10 Ways to cure sickness:

1. Consume many liquids

As a first cure from cold try to consume a lot of water, juices and drinks (e.g. Tea and herbs in general). Liquids prevent the «drying» of our throat and nose, they help the mucous membranes glands to remain open and so it is easier to clean. Liquids are also very valuable when you have fever. In this case there is increased risk of loss of liquids with dehydration. In addition, the hydration of the body contributes to the removal of toxins produced from dead cells, which increases the agency fighting the virus.

2. Avoid coffee and alcohol

Try to avoid drinks containing caffeine and alcohol because those substances tend to dehydrate our body and this is not what we want while we are cold.

3. Water vapour and hot baths

Water vapours and hot baths are the most common home cures for cold. Some people are standing in the bathroom with running hot water; others inhale the vapours over a pot with boiling water. It is believed that the steam can facilitate congestion. The virus is also susceptible to very high temperatures, so it is possible that the steam can «kill» the virus through the nasal cavities.

4. Hot Soups

Many people consider a warm soup as the best cure the cold. The advantages of such a traditional cure comes from the broth, which keeps the body hydrated and it also helps with the vapours. It is therefore likely that any kind of hot broth will bring the same benefits. Research made for the consumption of chicken soup while in a cold showed that the ingredients of chicken soup can actually reduce the swelling of the nasal cavities and help in the faster cure from common cold. Also chicken soup can give the protein from chicken, a substance necessary for our body to build antibodies to fight viruses.

5. Use a humidifier

These devices are a good method to make more humid air. This may help to keep nasal cavities of liquid and thus avoid the blocking of the nose. When using the humidifier make sure to clean them regularly to block the possibility of transferring mould in the air.

6. Rest

One of the most important factors in getting cure from cold is a good sleep and generally relaxing. You need to get some good rest in order for your body to resist the cold virus better, faster and more efficient. If you have fever you should definitely stay home, switch off your mobile and try to relax. Most people tend to try and overcome cold with out resting. Experts’ advice is to stay at home and relax for two days in a warm environment. Typical temperature could be 24-25 Celsius.

7. Wash your mouth with salt water

It may sound like an advice from your grandmother but practice has proved that washing your mouth with salt water is one of the cures for sore throat. Dissolve half a teaspoon of salt into a class of warm water and make five to six gargles. These will definitely relief your sore throat.

8. Do not smoke

Although you should stop smoking for a number of reasons, smoking when you are cold has additional disadvantages. Smoking can aggravate the symptoms of cold, while aggravating can also be passive smoking.

9. Watch your diet

Although it is not proven that diet can help you cure from cold, [See also "30 Medical Myth Busters you Must Know"], eating fruits and vegetables full of vitamin C can help you overcome faster from cold. Vitamin C strengthens the protection of the body, protects it from virus diseases and contributes to better functioning of white blood cells, the role of which is to fight viruses. Other food, which can assist you in recovering faster from cold, includes:

Oranges, lemons, grapefruit, parsley, celery, cauliflower
Foods containing zinc

10. Do not Exercise

Avoid exercise and all sorts of physical activity, for 3-4 days in order to give your body a chance to save forces for fighting the virus.

Information thanks to:
Feel Well!